BASEforHANK.jl Documentation
This manual documents the Julia module BASEforHANK, that provides a toolbox for the BAyesian Solution and Estimation (BASE) of a heterogeneous-agent New-Keynesian (HANK) model. It accompanies the paper Shocks, Frictions, and Inequality in US Business Cycles.
The toolbox is not a 1-for-1 replication package for the linked paper. In particular, the preset resolution is smaller.
First steps
The module runs with Julia 1.10.0. We recommend to use Julia for VSCode IDE as a front-end to Julia. To get started with the toolbox, simply download or clone the folder, e.g. via git clone
, cd
to the project directory and call
(v1.10) pkg> activate .
(BASEtoolbox) pkg> instantiate
This will install all needed packages. For more on Julia environments, see Pkg.jl
Before you activate the environment, make sure that you are in the main directory, in which the Manifest.toml
and Project.toml
files are located. In case you accidentally activated the environment in a subfolder, empty .toml
files will be created that you need to delete before proceeding in the correct folder.
For an introduction, it is easiest to use the Julia script script.jl
in the src
folder. Make sure that the folder is the present working directory and that the bottom bar in VSCode shows Julia env: BASEtoolbox
.[1] At the top of the script file, we pre-process some user input regarding the aggregate model and the steady state (see below) and write them them into the respective functions in the folder Preprocessor\generated_fcns
. This has to be done before the BASEforHANK module, defined in BASEforHANK.jl
, is loaded via
using .BASEforHANK
is the key module file as it loads in the code base, sets up structures, and exports a number of functions and macros.
The provided script.jl
then shows how a typical estimation proceeds in three main steps. First, we solve the steady state of the model. Then, the algorithm performs a two-step dimensionality reduction as described in the accompanying paper.[BBL] The second step of this reduction uses the prior information to obtain and approximate factor representation from an initial, not further reduced solution. Secondly, we compute the linearized dynamics of the reduced model around the steady state. Thirdly, we construct the likelihood of the model parameters given the data and use Bayesian methods to estimate them. More details on the three steps are provided in the menu on the left. script.jl
also provides an example on how to plot some impulse response functions from the model.
Setting up your model
To define the aggregate part of the model, include the aggregate model block in Model\input_aggregate_model.jl
. The model variables are divided into states (distribution, productivity, ...) and controls (consumption policy or marginal utilities/value functions, prices, aggregate capital stock, ...). The aggregate variables (i.e. excluding the distribution and marginal utilities/value functions) are defined in Model\include_aggregate_names
and their steady states in Model\input_aggregate_steady_state
. Include model parameters in struct ModelParameters
in Model\Parameters.jl
The file Parameters.jl
contains three structures to provide model parameters, numerical parameters, and estimation settings. In addition, it contains two macros that automatically create structures that contain the model variables.
The model parameters for the steady state have to be calibrated. We set them in the struct
. It also contains all other parameters that are estimated, including the stochastic process-parameters for the aggregate shocks. Each model parameter has a line of code. It starts with the parameter name as it is used in the code and a default value. The next two entries are its ascii name and its name for LaTeX output. The fourth entry is the prior if the parameter is to be estimated. Please see the Distributions.jl-package for available options. The fifth entry is a Boolean whether the parameter should be estimated (true
) or not (false
The folder Model
also contains the mapping of prices to household incomes (given the idiosyncratic state space). This can be found in the subfolder IncomesETC
. Depending on the adjustments to the macroeconomic model, the user needs to adjust this mapping from prices to incomes. Similarly, the subfolder contains definitions of utility functions, profit functions, employment demand, etc. that are used in the calculation of the steady state equilibrium.
Steady state and first dimensionality reduction
The command
sr_full = compute_steadystate(m_par)
calls the functions BASEforHANK.find_steadystate()
and BASEforHANK.prepare_linearization()
and saves their returns in an instance sr_full
of the struct
. sr_full
contains vectors of the steady-state variables (together with index-vectors to reference them by name) and the steady-state distribution of income and assets. It also contains the marginal value functions and the distributions as well as their first-stage model reduction counterparts (obtained through DCTs).
may be saved to the local file system by calling
@save "Output/Saves/steadystate.jld2" sr_full
and can be loaded for a future session with
@load "Output/Saves/steadystate.jld2" sr_full
More details can be found in the section "Steady State".
Linearize full model
After computing the steady state and saving it in the SteadyResults
-struct named sr_full
lr_full = linearize_full_model(sr_full, m_par)
computes the linear dynamics of the "full" model, i.e., using the first-stage model reduction, around the steady state (in the background, this calls BASEforHANK.PerturbationSolution.LinearSolution()
) and saves a state-space representation in the instance lr_full
of the struct
(see linearize_full_model()
Linearization of the full model takes a few seconds. The resulting state space is relatively large, because the copula and the value functions are treated fully flexible in this first step. As a result, also computing the first-order dynamics of this model takes a few seconds as well.
Model reduction
This large state-space representation can, however, be reduced substantially using an approximate factor representation. For this purpose, run
sr_reduc = model_reduction(sr_full, lr_full, m_par)
which calculates the unconditional covariance matrix of all state and control variables and rewrites the coefficients of the value functions and the copula as linear combinations of some underlying factors. Only those factors that have eigenvalues above the precision predefined in sr_full.n_par.compress_critC
(controls, i.e., marginal value functions) and sr_full.n_par.compress_critS
(states, i.e., the copula) are retained.
After model reduction, sr_reduc.indexes_r
contains the indexes that map correctly into the states/controls used in LOMstate
and State2Control
Model solution after a parameter change / after reduction
This smaller model (or any model after a parameter change that doesn't affect the steady state) can be solved quickly using a factorization result from [BBL] running
lr_reduc = update_model(sr_reduc, lr_full, m_par)
In the background, this calls BASEforHANK.PerturbationSolution.LinearSolution_estim()
, which only updates the Jacobian entries that regard the aggregate model. (Note that both BASEforHANK.PerturbationSolution.LinearSolution()
and BASEforHANK.PerturbationSolution.LinearSolution_estim()
call BASEforHANK.PerturbationSolution.SolveDiffEq()
to obtain a solution to the linearized difference equation.)
This model update step takes about 100ms on a standard computer for the medium size resolution used as a default in the example code.
Estimation of model parameters
Having obtained SteadyResults
and LinearResults
, the command
er_mode = find_mode(sr_reduc, lr_reduc, m_par)
computes the mode of the likelihood, i.e., the parameter vector that maximizes the probability of observing the data given the model, and saves the results in er_mode
, an instance of struct
(see BASEforHANK.Estimation.mode_finding()
). We use the Kalman filter to compute the likelihood, and the package Optim
for optimization. Settings for the estimation can adjusted in the struct
By default, the flag estimate_model
in the struct
is set to false
. Depending on the computing power available, finding the mode of the likelihood can take several hours to run through. The mode finder might also seem frozen after finishing the optimization but the computation of the Hessian for the large model is involved and can take a long time for the large model. For instructional purposes, we therefore set e_set.compute_hessian = false
by default and load the Hessian from a save file. For a proper estimation, this has to be set to true. We also save an intermediate step before computing the Hessian in case you are only interested in the mode itself.
sample_posterior(sr_reduc, lr_reduc, er_mode, m_par)
uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to trace out the posterior probabilites of the estimated parameters. The final estimates (and further results) are saved in a file with the name given by the field save_posterior_file
in the struct
(instantiated in e_set
The module BASEforHANK
creates the estimation settings e_set
in its main script (when it is initialized), so changes to the struct
are only effective before using BASEforHANK
. Make sure that all file paths specified in EstimationSettings
are correct relative to your script's position.
- 1If you use a different editor, make sure that the environment is correctly set, as otherwise the instantiated packages might not be found.
- BBLFor details, see the paper Shocks, Frictions, and Inequality in US Business Cycles, American Economic Review, forthcoming.